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Addressing Retaliation in Sexual Harassment Cases: Orange County Legal Considerations

Author name: Odell Law, PLC

Addressing Retaliation in Sexual Harassment Cases: Orange County Legal Considerations

You shouldn’t feel like you have to tolerate sexual harassment at work. Whether you’ve been the target of offensive sexual jokes and comments or inappropriate physical touching in the workplace, you have a right to report it and expect it to stop. If it doesn’t, or if your employer terminates you after you report the […]

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Common Types of Wrongful Termination Cases in Orange County and How to Navigate Them

If you believe you were wrongfully terminated, you’re not alone. Orange County employment law attorneys regularly handle wrongful termination cases for clients who think they were fired for illegal or unjust reasons. Many of these types of cases fall into the same few categories, including discrimination, retaliation, and breach of contract. Consider the details about

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How to Document Wrongful Termination: Tips for Orange County Employees

If you believe your employer wrongfully terminated you from your job, you might wonder if you can take legal action to be reinstated or get monetary compensation for your losses. While you might have a wrongful termination case to pursue, winning your case will require you to first gather evidence to prove that you were

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experienced sexual harassment

Can My Employer Force Me To Go To Arbitration For My Sexual Harassment Claim?

If you have ever experienced sexual harassment at work, it’s important to know you have rights when it comes to filing a legal claim against your employer and/or the harasser. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, there have been many positive changes to the law, especially for employees who have suffered sexual misconduct in their work

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Discrimination And Harassment At Work? Here’s How To Handle It.

While a lot of progress has been made, it is a sad reality that workplace discrimination and harassment continue to be prevalent in a lot of work environments. Local, state and federal anti-discrimination laws exist to protect every worker, affording them the legal protection against discriminatory or harassing treatment in the workplace. Even with such

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California’s Sb 331 Extends Workplace Settlement And Separation Agreements

Senate Bill 331 (SB 331), recently signed by Governor Newsom, will now give employees throughout California even greater protections when it comes to settlement agreements, separation agreements, and other types of workplace contracts. As a result of the enactment of this law, workers throughout California may hopefully experience less discrimination and harassment, and now be

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Senate Approves New Workplace Sexual Misconduct Law In 2022

Senate Approves New Workplace Sexual Misconduct Law Soon enough employers will be forbidden from enforcing arbitration agreements in cases involving sexual misconduct, and instead allow these victims to now seek justice in a court of law. Recent legislation, that was originally introduced in late 2017 as a result of the #MeToo movement and other social movements, has

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