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“Top 100 Lawyers in California” Daily Journal

Can I Be Fired For Taking Protected Leave?

Author name: Odell Law, PLC

California Says Yes On Prop 22: Is This A Victory For Gig Workers?

California Votes Yes on Prop 22: What This Means for Gig Workers This week, Americans voted in what has been described as the most important election in modern history, deciding whether Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump should lead our nation for the next 4 years. But beyond the presidential election, there were

California Says Yes On Prop 22: Is This A Victory For Gig Workers? Read More »

I’m Still Struggling With Racial Discrimination At Work In 2020. What Can I Do?

What Steps Can I Take If I Think I’m Experiencing Racial Discrimination At Work In 2020? In 2020, the topic of racial inequality has been front and center in American news and politics. While the unrest has largely been about racism in law enforcement, its also shed light on racism in our society as a

I’m Still Struggling With Racial Discrimination At Work In 2020. What Can I Do? Read More »

Am I Protected If I’m A Whistleblower On Illegal Activities At Work?

You have probably heard the term “whistleblower” as is often used in news stories to describe someone who reported illegal or unethical behavior within a public or private organization. One of the most famous whistleblowers was known as “Deep Throat,” or former FBI Associate Director W. Mark Felt, who provided information to reporters on President Nixon’s connection to the break

Am I Protected If I’m A Whistleblower On Illegal Activities At Work? Read More »

Having Trouble Applying For Unemployment Due To Covid?

We are facing a global pandemic, as well as a national emergency. Across the world, hundreds of thousands of people have gotten seriously ill from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) — and thousands have died. In the United States, this pandemic has seriously impacted the economy, with many businesses forced to close their doors for the duration.

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Appealing A Denial Of Unemployment Benefits After A Wrongful Termination In California

Unemployment insurance is an important program that is designed to ensure that Californians who are unemployed or underemployed maintain financial stability. Employers pay into the system, and then employees who meet the eligibility requirements can file a claim if they are fired for no fault of their own. In theory, employers should not contest valid

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What Is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment, And Are You Dealing With It?

Sexual harassment can take many forms in a modern workplace. Co-workers may make sexually explicit comments or send lewd text messages to a colleague, which can create a hostile work environment. In some situations, a supervisor may even make promises or threats about an employee’s job if they don’t comply with their sexual advances.  This is

What Is Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment, And Are You Dealing With It? Read More »