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How to Document Wrongful Termination: Tips for Orange County Employees

Mar 01, 2024

If you believe your employer wrongfully terminated you from your job, you might wonder if you can ta...

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What Are the Employer’s Responsibilities in Providing Reasonable Accommodations in Irvine?

Feb 14, 2024

What is a Reasonable Accommodation in Terms of Employment? According to the ADA National Network, a...

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Can My Employer Force Me To Go To Arbitration For My Sexual Harassment Claim?

Dec 20, 2022

If you have ever experienced sexual harassment at work, it’s important to know you have rights w...

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Discrimination And Harassment At Work? Here’s How To Handle It.

Sep 22, 2022

While a lot of progress has been made, it is a sad reality that workplace discrimination and harassm...

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Overtime Work – Can I Be Fired For Refusing Overtime In 2022?

Mar 30, 2022

Can I Be Fired for Refusing Overtime Work? For many employees, overtime work is great way to pick u...

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California’s Sb 331 Extends Workplace Settlement And Separation Agreements

Mar 03, 2022

Senate Bill 331 (SB 331), recently signed by Governor Newsom, will now give employees throughout Cal...

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Senate Approves New Workplace Sexual Misconduct Law In 2022

Feb 10, 2022

Senate Approves New Workplace Sexual Misconduct Law Soon enough employers will be forbidden from en...

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What’s A Protected Class And Am I Part Of One?

Dec 29, 2021

If you are being treated unfairly at work, you may have wondered whether you have any legal recourse...

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Is It Legal For My Employer To Change My Job Description?

Oct 08, 2021

Can My Employer Change My Job Description? When you are hired by a company, it is typically to do a...

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